“…the most tangible way we can demonstrate our love for God and Neighbor is by loving and protecting the natural world, of which we are all an integral part. We cannot authentically love God and our Neighbor while simultaneously degrading the natural world.....our parish embraces a Life of Love by committing to significant yet sustainable changes that reduce our impact on the natural world and respond to 'the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.'"
The Laudato Si' encyclical of Pope Francis (May 2015) focuses on care for the natural environment, all living organisms, and all people, along with broader questions about the relationship between God, humans, and the Earth. To fulfill a 2024 Diocesan initiative, Bishop John Stowe asked each parish in the Catholic Diocese of Lexington to assemble an action team, engage parishioners, and develop a plan that would speak to the parish’s commitment to the seven Laudato Si’ goals. Over the course of the summer, the CTK Action Team gathered information from around the parish and school to develop the initial CTK Laudato Si’ Action Plan (October 2024).
The exploration revealed many ways the CTK community already has measures, activities, and programsin place that reflect elements of the Laudato Si’ goals. But it also unveiled a general lack of awareness of their connection to the 2015 encyclical and the 2023 apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum.
This site is just one of the ways the CTK Action Team hopes to broaden awareness of Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum, their place in the social and theological teachings of the Church, and the many important and practical ways our parish can care for our common home.