Our desire is that every parishioner of our parish family encounters Jesus Christ in very personal and life-changing way as they journey through life within our Cathedral community. We want you to Belong to this parish.
What does is mean to Belong to a parish? Think of it like belonging to your family. There are a few things that make it nice to belong to a family. You should feel loved and cared for by your parents and everyone in the family contributes to the well being of the family. Belonging to a parish is much like belonging to a family. We want to be here for your to support you and help you on your spiritual journey. Belonging to the parish should also mean that you attend Mass on a regular basis, support the parish through the consistent giving of time, talent and financial resources in support of the parish (use of offertory envelopes or online giving) and receive regular mailings and communications from the parish.
If you would like to join the Cathedral family as a registered parishioner, we encourage you to complete the parish registration form below. Also, let us welcome you by putting a face to the name and coming to the next new parishioner reception.